Noman Al-Junaidi Company, one of Al-Junaidi Group companies, started operating in the Palestinian market in 2012. Its commercial activity was the importation of bottled water from its sister company in Jordan and its marketing in the local market. The demand for water and the shortage of local production to meet the need The strategic decision of the management of the company represented by
the Chairman of its Board, Mr. Noman Al-Junaidi, the need to establish and equip a factory to produce and mobilize water in Hebron, to provide a high-quality product with modern technologies that take into account the development and modernity and meet the need of the market and provide the best to the consumer, Of us the best.
Work began in earnest and quick construction and processing of the site by the end of 2015 with modern engineering and industrial specifications, and completed the construction and processing of the entire plant during 15 months on land area of 7500 square meters, the existing buildings area of 3000 square meters in addition to warehouses of an area of 6000 meters Square, the actual production began the year 2017.
At a rapid pace, the spread in the local market under the trade name Viviane, through a network of distributors and agents covering all the provinces of the country north and south, including the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem as well as regional markets.
The first title of Viviane’s water is the bottled water source, Ain Al Bustan natural springs of high quality.
The factory is characterized by modernity and the development of production lines, where the highest specifications and measurements of the global production lines have been selected. The production capacity reaches 25,000 containers per hour, making the company able to meet the needs of the market at all times.
In order to achieve operational integration, the company has invested in the professional staff. Over 80 employees have been employed between administrative, technical and worker. It believes that investment in human resources is the basis for achieving sustainable development and maintaining the level of excellence that the product provides to the consumer. .
The quality policy was built on the basis of providing a distinctive product, healthy and healthy and free from any pollution. Therefore, a water treatment and purification unit has been established according to the highest international technologies in treating water, to be the first unit of its kind and its production capacity in the country. Stages of purification, treatment and sterilization, UV sterilization stage and ozone treatment stage, during which the elimination of the possibility of any bacterial contaminants, in addition to all the purification after each stage through modern and modern micro-purifiers to prevent any impurities.
In the shortest time, ISO 22000 was certified as the first company in the country to receive this certificate, followed by the immediate realization of the requirements of the UAE standard EQM. Our products are accredited by the Emirates Standards Authority.
Noman Al-Junaidi Food Industries Company and its Palestinian producer Viviane are in the way of pioneering and excellence in terms of quality and productivity, to meet the needs of the local and external market, and serve the Palestinian national economy.